It’s final!

Written by karen on December 10th, 2013

We had our final county building inspection today — and we passed! Yay!

For those of you who missed it (and now that I feel freer to discuss it openly), in Arizona, owner-builders can opt to have to have standard inspections or they can opt out. For our phase 1 building, we opted to do standard inspections. Don’t ask me why. It was admittedly a mistake. The inspections were a farce. They would check some things and not others, and different inspectors often contradicted one another. One told us to do something that was onerous, and after we did it and another inspector said, “Why on earth did you do that?” You get the idea.

So for phase 2, we opted out. However, it is still a requirement to have a final inspection, though it’s supposed to be minimal.

When the inspector arrived today, we were grief stricken to see it was “Joe” (name changed to protect something I guess). In the last round, we learned that Joe seldom approves anything. It’s kind of a thing with him. In fact, once when he came out, he whipped out a camera and started snapping pictures. We knew that wasn’t a good thing.

At any rate, we had already reconciled ourselves to possibly not passing and to just calling again to take another go at it. That kind of seems to be how these go.

But low and behold, Joe passed us. Wonders never cease.

We are very happy that this will be our last encounter with the county building inspectors for a very long time.

Oh, and after Joe passed us and quizzed Brad to see if he had any pent up animosity (good thing he didn’t talk to me; I might have been more forthcoming), Joe gave Brad a customer service evaluation to fill out. I think we’ll pass. :)


1 Comments so far ↓

  1. Donna says:

    Reminds me of the inspection we had to pass when we had a gas fireplace installed….the guy showed up and asked if we had had a fireplace installed. We said yes…and he left!

    Glad you and “Joe” are now friends!!

Reply to Donna