What a difference a year makes

Written by brad on December 19th, 2009

When we first bought the ranch, I spent a lot of time looking at various maps, etc. of the area around our place. One day on Google maps I noticed that P.D.’s property is greener that the rest of the property around here. Just being greener isn’t too strange, but it’s also square–green and square. Talking to P.D., he said it was likely due to his place being fenced for twenty or more years. It is open range out here. There are not a lot of cattle, but I guess it doesn’t take a lot to change the landscape.

I never expected to see a change in such a short time, but it’s only been a year and already there’s a big difference inside our property from the outside.


Looking at this picture, you would think cows graze around our fence all the time just looking for a way in. It’s not the case. Once in a great while, we see them near the fence. Still, you can see that when they do come by, they eat up most everything.


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